Chaplain's Corner Local 1017 : This page is designated as the Chaplain's Corner. Our Chaplain, Greg, publishes a monthly bulletin that tends to inspire and motivated us with his witty country related metaphors of wisdom and his true life experience examples. You can be sure to find a lesson in his bulletins, although most of time he may not intend it to be that way. At the end of each bulletin message, he offers a prayer list for those in need. If you would like to be placed on the prayer list, please email him by clicking on the name below and indicate your prayer request. In the subject line of the email, include the title "Prayer Request."
Monthly Bulletin: February 2003Everything we have learned, and know as firefighters has come from training. You study tactics and procedures that make us all the best firefighters that we can be. No one just wakes up, decides to be a firefighter, and becomes a chief. It takes many hours of learning basic techniques that makes us professionals. The same is true in our Christian walk.
First Corinthians 9:24-25 says; Do
you not know that in a race all runners run, but only one gets the prize. Run in
such a way as to get the prize. Everyone that competes in the games goes into
strict training. They do so to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to
get a crown that will last forever. God just does not make you a mature Christian. You have to start as a student to become a teacher. You need to attend church, read your bible, and fellowship with Godly people. We all need to train to receive the prize that God offers to all of us. Proverbs 27:19 says: As in water face reflects face, So the heart of man reflects man. If Jesus returns today, what race can you tell him that you have ran? What training and preparation have you done for yourself? Are you the reason your children do not know Christ? What is the reflection that God sees in your heart? When the trumpet sounds, the race is over. Where will you finish? Brian Perry Prayer/Praise RequestJack Williams’ father continues treatments Mike Fitzpatrick’s shoulder rehab is going well Bo Clark had back surgery and is home recovering John Hackett’s parents Chuck Crittenden’s friend Betty Wilhoite has cancer Remember Shawn Davenport, C J Martin, and all our military John Unger’s Father Steve LeCompte’s mother-in-law has cancer Scotty Sam’s is having back trouble Lee Brewer’s aunt, Margie Samuals, had open-heart surgery Lee Brewer’s friends Kathy & Tim Critt Nalley's friends family - child with a tumor. Please Pray for our nation Reminders:
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